For the most important decisions in your life, trust your intuition, and then work with everything you have, to prove it right.
– Tim Cook
Commencement Address at Auburn University, 2010
You will need to find your passion. If you did not find it, you will find it later, in your 30s or 40s but do not give up on finding it and follow it. You will not find it in things or money because the more you have the more you will use that as a metric and would like to get more. The important things are those that fill you from inside. It will be grounded in people, in your relationship with people.
– Randy Pausch
Carnegie Mellon, 2008
You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You can’t get there by bus, only by hard work and risk and by not quite knowing what you’re doing, but what you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover will be yourself.
– Alan Alda
Commencement Address at Connecticut College, 1980
In life you make the small decisions with your head and the big decisions with your heart.
– Omid Kordestani
Commencement Address at San Jose University, 2007
Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
– Steve Jobs
Commencement Address at Stanford University, 2005
The key is to listen to your heart and let it carry you in the direction of your dreams. I’ve learned that it’s possible to set your sights high and achieve your dreams and do it with integrity, character, and love. And each day that you’re moving toward your dreams without compromising who you are, you’re winning.
– Dell
Commencement Address at University of Texas 2003
The unfortunate, yet truly exciting thing about your life, is that there is no core curriculum. The entire place is an elective. The paths are infinite and the results uncertain. So if there’s any real advice I can give you it’s this. College is something you complete. Life is something you experience… Love what you do. Get good at it.
– John Stewart
Commencement Address at the College of William and Mary, 2004
You have the gift of time. Use it to do what you love. Believe anything is possible and then work like hell to make it happen.
– Julianna Margulies
Commencement Address at Sarah Lawrence College, 2010
Be passionate. Do what you love, even if you don’t love it every day.
– Katie Couric
Commencement Address at Williams College, 2007
Hopefully life is long. Do stuff you will enjoy thinking about and telling stories about for many years to come. Do stuff you will want to brag about.
– Rachel Maddow
Commencement Address at Smith College, 2010
Do what interests you. You will be making important choices over the next few years. Eventually find what you love to do, and pour yourself into it. You do not want to dread driving to work every day. You’ll be at your best, by the way, when you’re happy. When you feel joy.
– Brian Kenny
Commencement Address at Ohio Northern University, 2007
You can Google for an answer. You can Google for a mate. You can Google for a career. But you can’t Google to find what’s in your heart – the passion that lifts you skyward.