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Graduation Advice

Advice from Graduation Speeches

8 Things I Wished I Have Been Told

John Walsh

1. Put the alarm clock in the bathroom. (And keep the door open).

2. Do one thing at a time. Give each experience all your attention.

3. Spend more time listening.

4. Make yourself clear.

5. You educate yourself.

6. Learn to draw. Or to play the cello. Or to tap dance.

7. Keep a journal.

8. You will be more like your parents than you imagine.

Top 10 Rules for Living

Some of the lessons that life and the world of sports have tried their best to teach me.

Larry Luchino

10. Life must be fun. Kindness is essential. Have a good time. Hurt as few people as possible.

9. Be bold – do be prudent- but please take risks.

8. Smile, laugh and be pleasant.

7. Be strong enough to say. “I don’t know”.

6. Life is too hard to be lived alone. Find time for your family.

5. Stay in touch with the people who matter to you.

4. Hold within yourself a capacity for outrage at injustice.

3. Don’t be colorblind. Enjoy our enriching differences.

2. Seek balance. A rich life is a balanced life.

1. Help some people along the way………………………………………………………………….

The 5 Lessons I Learned

5 Habits That Had Meant A Lot to Me

Earl Bakken 

1. Pick a company or organization that is dedicated to helping humanity.

2. Do more work than is required.

3. Ready, Fire, Aim. Do not get caught up in the overanalysis of a problem.

4. Study continuously.

5. Dream ‘out of the box. Be creative.

4 Pieces of Advice

Sumner Redstone

1. Opportunity never knocks.

2. Trust your instinct.

3. Don’t be a follower.

4. If there’s a choice, take a chance.


Top 8 to Help You for the Rest of Your Life

Brian Kenny

1. If you don’t know what you want to do, at least know what you don’t want to do.

2. Do what interests you.

3. There’s no there, there…There is here. It’s in you…right now.

4. Life is short, but, actually might go on for a long time, so you’d better become good at something.

5. Enthusiasm and desire. While you’re on the job and in everything you do in life…give it everything you have.

6. Challenge the orthodoxy. Just because it’s been done a certain way for eons doesn’t mean it’s the best way of getting it done.

7. Help people to help themselves.

8. You must continue to evolve in your thinking and in your views on life. You must continue to learn. Surround yourself with bright, positive people. Be open


6 Basic Principles

Everything I Need to Know in Life I Learned on My Way to a Humiliating Audition

– by Bradley Withford

1. Fall in love with the process and the results will follow.

2. Do your work.

3. Once you’re prepared, throw your preparation in the trash. Think outside the box.

4. You are capable of more than you think.

5. Listen

6. Take action. You have a choice. You can either be a passive victim of circumstance or you can be the active hero of your own life


16 Suggestions for the Rest of Your Life

 1. Cultivate the ability to think for yourself.

2. Embrace discipline.

3. Practice patience.

4. Relish the road.

5. Develop the art of making a silk purse from a sow’s ear.

6. For every 30 minutes of TV you watch, read one poem out loud.

7. Get out of your way.

8. Splurge your life by doing something you love.

9, 10, 11, 12, & 13: Eat your vegetables, Floss your Teeth, Try meditation, Get some Exercise and Sharpen your seven senses ( humor is the seventh)

14. Say ‘Thank You” at least once a week.

15. Love yourself. Why not.

16. Be bold. Envision yourself living a life that you love.

– by Suzan-Lori Parks, Playwright

The Simplest and Best Advice I Could Think Of

 1. Grow your self-confidence and move quickly to repair it when it is damaged by setbacks.

2. Continue to grow intellectually and listen to the little alarm inside you that sounds when stagnation or boredom or becoming a know-it-all begin to creep up.

3. Tackle the toughest jobs and challenges.

4. Understand the difference between process and purpose and never begin a day without being able to articulate that purpose.

5. Know yourself, particularly your weaknesses and don’t let a day pass without moving towards eliminating them.

6. Understand that whatever else may fail you… your personal integrity is always in your own hands and can never be taken from you.

If you want to play a game, go to where it’s played and find a way to get in. Things happen when you get in the game.

David L. Calhoun, Executive with GE and Nielsen