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This site have some of the best commencement and graduation speeches ever spoken.
It was first created by Cristina Negrut way back in 2006, and she have worked on it for a decade. I revived it in 2022, because i think that it’s a site worth saving. Hundreds of readers every day thinks the same.

A speech can’t change your life, but it can shift your perception a little bit (or maybe more). And this shift can have profound consequences on your future.
There are a lot of little and big pieces of wisdom in these pages. We hope that you will be inspired by them, as we have been when we decided to save them for the future. You can find me here or in India.

Browse the archive of all the speeches

There are speeches from 1969 to 2017. I am working hard (when I have the time…) to find new speeches. There will be a new speech added every other day for all of next year. For now, you will find 234 speeches (and counting…).

Speeches by masters of their fields

Do you want to look for speeches made by experts and professional of a particular fields? I have organized the speeches to help you. Maybe you want to read speeches made by actors and actresses? Or by writers and authors? Or by journalists?

Recently added speeches

  • Randy Pausch

    In 2007, Randy Pausch, a beloved computer science professor, and author of “The Last Lecture,” delivered a profoundly moving and inspirational…

  • Peter Thiel

    In 2015, entrepreneur and venture capitalist Peter Thiel, known for his groundbreaking work in technology and his co-founding of PayPal and…

  • Elon Musk

    In 2014, visionary entrepreneur Elon Musk addressed the graduates of the University of Southern California (USC) with an inspiring and forward-looking…

  • Natalie Portman

    Academy Award-winning actress Natalie Portman returned to her alma mater, Harvard University, to deliver a compelling and thoughtful commencement address in…

  • Ann Patchett

    In 2006, celebrated author Ann Patchett known for her literary prowess and insightful storytelling delivered a thoughtful and inspiring commencement address…

  • Tom Wolfe

    In 2000, the iconic American author and journalist Tom Wolfe known for his unique writing style and social commentarydelivered a compelling…

The Funniest Graduation Speeches

Ready for some good laughs? Search no more. In the past ten years, thousands of commencement speeches have been given. Of these, however, only a few were deemed hilarious. We have the list of speeches right here. The laughs are guaranteed. Enjoy our mini-collection of the funniest graduation speeches and funny graduation quotes.

Remarkable Graduation Speech by Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist Ron Suskind | Lewis & Clark College

Once in a while, a graduation speech comes along to inspire not just the young graduates but all those young at heart. Journalist and author Ron Suskind’s commencement speech this May at Lewis & Clark College has done just that, conveying a powerful message through three moving stories. Top that with some light jokes and a truly outstanding delivery (no notes, moves around the podium, funny gestures) and you know you stumbled over one unforgettable graduation speech. No wonder the graduates gave him a standing ovation!

The Most Popular Commencement Address

Soon after adding this transcript to the site it quickly went to the top and it is now the most popular speech on this site. Can you guess? I’ll give you a hint, it’s not Steve Job (he comes in a close second). You might find it a surprise but it turns out, the man has good advice. Give it a try, watch or read the 6 rules of success.

How to Write a Graduation Speech

Everything I learned about what it takes to produce a memorable speech in one place! While lighthearted, this article contains some of the best well-researched advice there is on content, structure, possible themes, and delivery tips to make your commencement speech a memorable one.

Looking for Ideas?

This list is a good place to pick and choose the most fitting and inspirational themes. Do not forget to add personal stories or anecdotes around them to make the message stick and be more powerful. Lastly, don’t forget to apply them in real life. My favorite one is:

RULE # 5
Don’t wait to be invited. Create opportunities and get in the game.

Graduation Quotes

It doesn’t matter that your dream came true if you spent your whole life sleeping.


In need of writing a witty message on the graduation card? Search no more! This unique collection of inspirational graduation quotes is ready for you.

Top Ten

View the list of top ten commencement speeches as featured in the USA TODAY’s article by Mary Beth Marklein. Share them with your family, friends, and please send me your favorites.

Graduation Speeches Sketchnotes

I am a big fan of sketchnotes and I am just getting started. I hope that soon I will be adding more. This of course assumes I’ll have the time to make them. One day, someone must make it possible to transform our infinite ability to worry into an infinite time resource. Until then, I ‘steal’ time from where I can. Maybe skipping the Saturday night movie, like I do today?!

There’s few things that get you over your own crap more than working hard. –